
I'm Paulfoh

Let Me help your company, personal brand or organization increase sales in 30days.

Paul Foh is the CEO of Sales Factory Global, a prominent sales training company with offices in London and Lagos.  As a member of the Forbes coaches council, he has authored two books on sales and contributed extensively to sales and marketing through 276 articles in THE FOH LETTERS, 116 episodes of Paul Foh Podcast and two articles in

About me

Paul Foh is the curated of the subscription based WhatsApp learning channel ‘Sales Factory Community’ The he started in 2020 where he educates entrepreneurs, sales representatives and professionals on sales, marketing and consumer behavior
Paul has successfully led sales transformations and provided coaching services to major real estate companies, banks, and Fintech banks in Nigeria and the UK. He has served as the resident sales coach for VPAY BANK a fintech bank, sales advisor for two FOREX companies and 2 real estate companies  His experience covers selling B2B, B2C and DTC .
Paul’s unique expertise lies not only in research knowledge but also in his hands-on approach to sales, emphasizing marketing, spirituality, and mental toughness.

The FOH Letters

I share weekly sales, persuasion and personal development strategies, tools, and actionable tactics.  Over 12,000 Subscribers

1 hr Sales Increase Strategy Session

“Revolutionize your sales strategy with our exclusive opportunity: personalized action plans, 10% sales conversion boost, attention-grabbing tactics, and content mastery using ChatGPT. Upon payment you will be redirected to my calendar

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Revolutionize your sales strategy with our exclusive opportunity: personalized action plans, 10% sales conversion boost, attention-grabbing tactics